Props to CTTV!

Props to us, because we need it!
Especially shoes, for some reason... Though they are not all that important in comparison to helmets.
So if you find a cool, SWAT-ish helmet for around 300 SEK or lower, give us a shout!
Like this one!

now waet is that mahgingy?!

well i know! but do u?!!?


What's the school doing in the middle of our project?!
Oh, no! It's stealing our time!

Anyway, here's a preview of a cool ship we won't be using!
It will, however, be used in the three other movies.



Location Scouting... theory...

So we refined the script yet again! That makes Draft 07 (oh-seven!) people!
What people? There's no one around!


After that we decided to scout for
In our memories!
Kind of mysterious, we know...
But we actually just sat down, ran through the script (or most of it) to see if we knew of any places that might fit for some of the scenes.
Then we realized that we have access to most places we need to have access to, which is great!
We will be using some trains, well, actually carriages.
A train with CTTV on board!  Duh!
Train we will use is not illustrated here... ...probably...

But we still do believe it is in order to eventually find us some actors as well...

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